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for a strong, fast pick-me-up

‘Bakery logic’ for selling – they probably will buy more if they can carry more

Do you dislike having to pay more for bags to carry things you buy?

While, I think it’s good to limit the amount of waste from plastic bags – I often don’t like having to buy a carry bag (which I guess is part of the tactic of having to pay for a bag). If I forget to bring a carry bag- I usually only buy what I can carry in my hands.

This morning I went to a favourite bakery where they choose not to charge for bags. The logic is very simple and makes sense.

“We are old school like many of our regulars” explained the friendly neighbourhood bakery lady.

“Plus, if people can carry more, they’ll usually buy more.”

Case in point, this morning I bought a lot more items than I would normally carry with two hands.

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This entry was posted on December 13, 2023 by in Uncategorized.
